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Littlest pet shop - pet surprise


Calling all new and original Littlest Pet Shop fans! LPS Generation 7 has arrived. Collect a new generation of bobblin’ head pets with over 65 exciting new friends in series 1. Panda, cat, axolotl, anteater and so many more are eager to become your new besties! Discover the must-have crew, their unique purrsonalities, breeds, and rarity levels. Littlest Pet Shop welcomes fans to unleash their imagination and create a pet world of their very own. Join the Littlest Pet Shop virtual experience! Use the code on the coin to unlock exclusive pets, unveil surprises, and embark on a next-gen adventure like never before!

Includes one Pet Surprise. This is an assorted item, style received may vary; which one will you get?

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